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  • Writer's pictureGokula Santhiya

How Important is it to Travel ?

“ If we were meant to stay in the same place,

We would have got roots instead of feet "

Awe, Travel ! Whenever we see the word travel, things that instantly strike our mind are the trekking bags, safari shoes, top-open jeeps, monsterous mountains, lusterous linns, spun-out yatches, etc., Isn’t so? Not only those mean the travel, a drift to the nearby town also means the travel. So we are gifted with feet just to travel and explore. What’s there in staying at the same place since birth to death ? There will be no fluctuation. Life will be monotonous. You’ll develop a hatred on yourself. At last you’ll be left with just regrets.

“ Take only memories, not regrets and

Leave only footprints, not desires “

Imagine as if you’re presented with a hefty ball of gift, layered with multiple wrappers. Will you be able to throw it somewhere without knowing what’s inside it ? Won’t you be stupyfied until it gets unfurled ? By the same token, the World is a gigantic ball of surprise, layered with flabbergastingly enumerable places to visit. Aren’t you exhilarated to befall your journey ?

“ Travelling alone is the single best gift

You can give yourself “

If anything has the power to introduce your inner self to you, then that is undoubtedly, the Travel you undertake. Take road-trips and learn the world. After all, roads have answers for everything. Dying in the same place where you were born is the worst of all crimes that a man can dare to commit. Go wherever the fear slays. Run in the chase of phobia and hunt with passion.

“ Be fearless in the pursuit of what

Sets your soul on FIRE “

Explore the world, to find answers for your deep quests, to get relieved of all your pain, to figure out your hidden talents, to discover your inner self, to make yourself stronger, to sharpen your skills, to understand the meaning of your being, to make your survival worthy, to feel the essence of life. C’mon folks, just fuel your wanderlust before you run out of time !

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